Friday, December 13, 2013

: Senate Republican obstruction shuts down Judiciary Committee

Article PhotoSenate Republicans aren't just forcing all night sessions to exact their revenge on Democrats for invoking the nuclear option and ending the filibuster on nominations, they've escalated the fight to preventing the Judiciary Committee from even meeting.
Under a rarely enforced Senate rule, committees can't meet more than two hours after the Senate goes into session. Routinely, senators give unanimous consent to waive the rule so the committee can carry out the chamber's—and the country's—business. But today, Republicans refused unanimous consent to let the Judiciary Committee meet.
sour grapes and grade school antic have to place in the adult political world but desperation added there is no limit to their attempts to deny the Pres. and his admin but by default they are hurting you the most especially those out of work and dependent on social net to live.
The committee has a busy schedule, with votes scheduled for 15 judicial nominees who have testified before the members and answered follow-up written questions. Among those are nominees for vacancies designated as judicial emergencies by the Administrative Office of U.S. Courts.
Each one of the nominees has been fully vetted and has the support of their home state senators, including Republicans Mark Kirk (IL), Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran (KS), Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker (TN), Roy Blunt (MO), and Pat Toomey (PA). [...]
If the committee is not able to meet until next week—the last week the Senate is expected to be in session—and Republicans force the nominees to be held over, then they'll be stuck in committee at year's end. Since that will be the end of a session of Congress, absent unanimous consent to do otherwise,
Senate rules require the nominees to be sent back to the president for renomination in the next session. That would force all of these nominees to repeat the committee voting process all over again, where once again the GOP could find new ways to slow them down.
right wing plan B, don't be surprised when those real important things like immigration, food stamps, farm bill etc get blamed on the Pres. because if they didn't have to approve his people they could have taken care of the big stuff, don't believe it for a second, this plays right into their do nothing hands they would have taken another recess and bah humbugged those affected holidays.
you see who really are the can kicckers down the road of delay.