Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Conservatives Can't Stop Spouting Vicious Racism Even For Nelson Mandela


The racist right never takes a day off. While most of the world was deeply saddened at the death of Nelson Mandela last week, the racist right were unmoved. President Obama gave a lovely speech about the civil rights activist. Every 24-hour news network (except Fox, of course, but they’re not really news) ran some sort of tribute. Almost every political website published some kind of memorial story, including Addicting Info. But the racist right cared not.
Many political figures also paid some sort of tribute to the man, including Newt Gingrich. He was blasted by the racist right crazies for daring to say something nice on his Facebook page about Mandela. Newt was surprised by the reaction but I don’t know why. He helped nurture this sort of vehement anti-everything-but-us attitude.
That attitude was on display all over the Internet this past weekend. Ugly and disrespectful comments from the racist right were everywhere. The worst of it was, as you might imagine, on right-wing sites like Free Republic, World News Daily, The Blaze and… (wait for it)… Brietbart.com.
they really expose themselves to disingenuous perception we go for months, years hearing the racist rants then they deny it happens when caught with the headlights in their eyes they say they do it on both sides lies no one matches the vitriol they spew. then they act surprised if the try to copy the humane acts and say something nice about others especially those not White when like the article says he's one of the major perpetrators of these racist assaults.

Breitbart’s Shapiro leads the racist right charge

Ben “Friends of Hamas” Shapiro’s headline was a trifecta: AFTER SNUBBING THATCHER FUNERAL, OBAMA AND MICHELLE TO VISIT SOUTH AFRICA FOR MANDELA!!! Histrionic, much? Shapiro asserts that *only* the Obamas didn’t attend the Thatcher funeral. Um… no. From his very own article:
The Sun reported, “[Downing] Street is most angered by rejections from Obama, First Lady Michelle and Vice-President Joe Biden. And none of the four surviving ex-US leaders – Jimmy Carter, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr. – is coming either.”
Ahhhh… so all the other presidents “snubbed” Thatcher’s memorial, too. Funny how that got lost in this new diatribe. But Obama is “uppity” after all, so he “snubbed” the funeral. Nice, non-racist comparison there, Shapiro. Just a few of the comments on Shapiro’s rant will give you an idea of the sort of people read — and agree with — his claptrap. But don’t call out the racist right!
 Seriously—we’re gonna say it cause we know everyone is thinking it—the reason they snubbed Thatcher is because she was conservative and white while Mandela was a communist and black (like BHO)
Isn’t this special? White World leaders don’t receive any recognition from this administration.
How racist is that? Oh well, I guess it’s just another example of affirmative action.
Lady Thatcher was a white European. Mr. Mandela was a REAL African. Is there any question which type of person Barry like more?
Obama should just stay over there and find him a little African country to run.
Would be the perfect time for the first cow to get that saucer fitted for that lip.
Moochelle can be fitted for a lot of neck rings. It will help keep her nose in the air because she has such a big head
I agree that the saucer and rings would make her culturally compliant along with her other offensive attributes.
The Obamas…back to their roots…the jungles & trees of Africa.
If they don’t want o be associated with jungles and trees then they shouldn’t claim t be “African” Americans.
who will go to their funerals skinheads and neo Nazi's don't think so haven't heard of them being at other haters funerals, T-Per's nah they are at war with them now childish playground banter becomes them, need  a time out with no wake up call.