Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christian talker: Rape and incest exceptions are like allowing unfettered Muslim abortion

Article PhotoBanning abortion except in cases of rape and incest is like banning abortion except if you’re Muslim or Jewish, according to Steve Deace, a nationally-syndicated conservative Christian radio host.
“And might I tell you if you listen to nothing else I say today, there is no such thing as pro-life with exceptions,” he said last month in Iowa at the Lutherans For Life National Conference. “It doesn’t exist. If you’re pro-life with exceptions you’re just pro-choice with fewer choices.”
“That’s really what that is,” Deace continued. “And if you think I’m wrong – OK — how about we put forth a pro-life bill that will save every kid but those born to Muslims? They are only 0.7 percent of the population. In fact, there are more kids conceived in rape or incest in America – about one percent – than the total population of Muslims in America.”
sounds like this guy has Muslim and Jewish issues or he's just another blow hard right wing racist, let's go with the latter.
“So we make rape and incest exceptions all the time and say those things don’t matter, so why don’t we just put forth pro-life bills that say, ‘Hey, if you’re a Muslim you can abort your kid if you want, we will let you kill it.’ Why wouldn’t we do that? Why isn’t that the same thing?”
He said the same thing could apply to people of the Hindu and Jewish faith.
it seems pretty obvious that all those who have a conniption when they are called racist, they lie or are the most gullible o this earth. yet another "christian talker" spreading the right wing gospel according to the evangelical God, they listen, believe and carry the water but they are not them.
 “In fact, there is even a historical precedent for that,” Deace remarked, referring to the Holocaust. “Why make exceptions for kids conceived in rape and incest — if they don’t matter, why do the Jewish, Hindu, or Muslim kids matter?”
and we wonder why they hate the Pope?