The GOP wants to discredit the enormous success of the auto bailout.
The GM stock sold for $11.8 billion less than the government invested in it, and it’s this fact that the GOP wants to focus upon. However, a recently released analysis by the Center For Automotive Research (CAR) points out that the bailout saved the country an enormous amount in both money and human resources. In its conclusions, the report says:
Our results show the U.S. government saved or avoided the loss of $105.3 billion in transfer payments [i.e., unemployment benefits and Medicaid payments] and the loss of personal and social insurance tax collections—or 768 percent of the net investment. Additionally, 2.6 million jobs were saved in the U.S. economy in 2009 alone and $284.4 billion in personal income saved over 2009-2010.
that will never be spoken among the republicans, they will focus on the half truth of the sale being less than the bailout.
people there is something wrong when some have nothing positive to say just gloom and doom but every other outlet tells you thing are getting better over 200,000 jobs last month none of which were republican generated, the train wreck abomination is surviving their agenda to convince you it's not.
do you believe those with the record of skulduggery and fraudulently being paid to do nothing and they talk about cutting social nets because of waste who's zoomin' who?
The figures bear repeating: we avoided paying out $105.3 billion and saved $284.4 billion in personal income, on which income taxes have been paid. We saved the equivalent of 768% of the investment.To say nothing of the 2.6 million jobs rescued in 2009 alone. In addition, about 600,000 retirees from both GM and Chrysler would have faced reduced pensions and the loss of health benefits without the bailout.But the GOP wants to focus on the $11.8 billion that the sale of stock didn't recoup. And in their condemnation there is, of course, no acknowledgement that the beginnings of the auto bailout took shape in 2008, under the George W. Bush administration.
you are being decieved and misinformed you have to be dead not to know this after 5 years of non stop deception. what do you think of yorself if you pull the lever or puch the button or punch that hanging chad that those you voted for prevented your neighbor or relative from voting, proud? Romney wanted them to go bankrupt and he's the businessman or is he?