Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This Photo From Walmart Went Viral. Here's Why.
this, photo, from, walmart, went, viral., here's, why., The news: A photo of collection bins at a Walmart in Canton, Ohio, went viral after it was revealed that the store was accepting donations of canned goods for its own employees. Theimage of the bins, which were located in an employees-only area and labeled with a sign saying, “Please Donate Food Items Here, so Associates in Need Can Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner” was posted to the Facebook page of Walmart workers group Organization United for Respect at Walmart, and the enraging story was picked up by the Cleveland Plain Dealer andnumerous online outlets.
this is tantamount to "let them eat cake" the greedy rich care so little for their employees that they kick them again after kicking them before, do the feel they have an unlimited source of labor at their rate of pay?
now after the degradation of firing and losing everything they want those that made the cut to pay for those that didn't, happy freakin' holiday Walton family and may this be your last one.
they were suppose to open a store here in DC not a mile from my home, our city council raised the min. wage after they had closed down a working shopping center they were not willing pay workers a living wage they could not get the ok, needless to say there is no shopping center those stores have moved completely out of the area and there is no work being done to erect a Walmart.
The backstory: Given that it’s the world’s biggest private employer, Walmart is often seen as an exemplar of recent economic trends, whether it comes to positives, like the company’s low prices and the efficiency of its supply chain, or negatives, like its aggressive expansionunion busting, and low wages. (Coincidentally, today’s Cleveland Plain-Dealer also reported a National Labor Relations Board decision stating that, “Walmart unlawfully threatened employees with reprisal if they engaged in strikes and protests.”) 
where are those republicans that like to compare things to slavery this doesn't meet the criteria that ACA does or it must be the money.  workers do to bi business and their worker bees republicans they are union busting taking away you right to bargain in the workplace leaving us all at the whim of businesses like Bain remember the things they did to entire cities that had no voice?