if not for the beat down since he first uttered the words that he wanted to insure us all, why because insurance co.'s squealed and the denial of the first Black Pres. they think will sour the fickle electorate of electing another one and some have been proving that out. an adult would understand that technical things can malfunction or be sabotaged i'm leaning to the latter.
for those who have never had the experience of going to a Dr.'s ofc. and flash that card another week and a half is a eye blink, those who have had that luxury there's enough to go around it takes nothing from you to see joe blow from down the street across the tracks sitting beside you at Doc Jones's ofc.
The White House earlier this year granted large employers a one-year reprieve from having to offer health insurance coverage to their employees. Then last week, President Obama asked insurance companies to reverse their cancellation of millions of individual and small business insurance policies that don’t meet the new Obamacare standards, to belatedly make good on his promise that Americans who liked their old policies could keep them.This raises the question: Can postponement of the individual mandate – arguably the most controversial facet of the Affordable Care Act – be far behind?
this has been blown out of proportion by those who want you to use the ER if you are not already carrying the card you are just short.
big business delay was smart they can be thousands of people requiring changes within and their own computer glitches it's common sense the republicans devoid devoid of that God given characteristic try to make it like "we the people" were being snubbed in favor of the big corporations if i might quote Clinton, "it takes a lot of brass to accuse someone of what you do"