A trio of face-saving changes to Obamacare proposed by conservative Democratic senators would do significant damage to the law, according to health policy experts.
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) wants to make sure people can keep their insurance plans even if they fail to meet basic benefit standards under Obamacare.Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) wants to delay by one year the tax penalty for failing to comply with the individual mandate. And ten Democrats want to give people more time to enroll on the exchanges.These proposals come in response to the political fallout of Obamacare's woeful and embarrassing enrollment launch one month ago. But they carry a potentially steep price: each harms the law's core goals by potentially destabilizing the market and raising premiums, experts and the insurance industry warn.
these people need to turn in their Dem card allowing substandard health care is all they would accomplish it they get this in and Americans are so fickle that they again would vote against their best interest.
why would anyone want to keep substandard care, what happens when they succumb to the biggies Cancer, Brain trauma, children surgery what do you do then wait for them to stick you or deny you, the law and the changes are to not let those things happen, remember those trying to convince you otherwise have been lying to you and getting you to accept what they were doing.
today we know it is all elephant dung sprayed with Febreeze, sniff a little closer and as the Febreeze fades the lying stench of republican politics and it's agenda rise to the top
having a D before or after your name makes you no more then someone with a D before or after their name, what distinguishes you are your actions.
Landrieu: Let People Keep Their Substandard Plans
Landrieu -- who faces a potentially tough re-election battle next year -- announced legislation Thursday to let people on the individual market keep their current insurance policy for as long as they continue paying their premiums. This would apply to plans that fail to provide "essential health benefits" or meet the law's standard for "grandfathered" policies that can continue, and would thus be canceled or replaced.Part of the problem is that this would unwind Obamacare's guarantees of quality coverage and affordable prices, which were the basis of two important -- and popular -- market reforms under Obamacare: community rating (insurers cannot charge sick people more) and guaranteed issue (insurers cannot deny coverage to anyone).
is this a switch to appease voters to stupid to take the better health care because republicans trashed it for 5 years and want you to keep paying for a pig in a poke with insurance companies present policies, they will change and obey the law or perish so keeping your substandard care you either die soon or the policy defaults because it fails to meet the most basic of health care, stupidity and death or common sense and life, Progressive party or the party of stupid, your choice is a reflection of you. recognize