but had nothing to say in favor of 99% being affected by their party negatively, now the media seeing ratings have joined in on the bashing it is shameful the influence media has and instead of trying to help they go for the dark story because it sells, whose fault is that, supply and demand make your own decision.
now we have one of the greatest things to happen to all of America, health care same obstruction and lies but now we have around 5% who may fall outside the keeping of their insurance and the republicans pounce on it like a lion on a pork chop. in that loss it points out that their insurance was not even basically adequate, think if not for ACA pointing this out and had Romney got in and Ryan vouchers were issued you would be no better off then in the ER. RECOGNIZE.
first the Pres. did muff up the presentation to the nation whose fault i don't know but he has people that are suppose to know and have his back, that has been questionable for 5 years in IMO. that said when we had the occupy movement and the 1% vs. 99% the latter did not get that much of an bump from those in that 99% the 1 % continues to have their way i think do to a do nothing for the people congress, and obstructing republicans.
but had nothing to say in favor of 99% being affected by their party negatively, now the media seeing ratings have joined in on the bashing it is shameful the influence media has and instead of trying to help they go for the dark story because it sells, whose fault is that, supply and demand make your own decision.
now we have one of the greatest things to happen to all of America, health care same obstruction and lies but now we have around 5% who may fall outside the keeping of their insurance and the republicans pounce on it like a lion on a pork chop. in that loss it points out that their insurance was not even basically adequate, think if not for ACA pointing this out and had Romney got in and Ryan vouchers were issued you would be no better off then in the ER. RECOGNIZE.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Now is when Americans start figuring out that President Barack Obama's health care law goes beyond political talk, and really does affect them and people they know.With a cranky federal website complicating access to new coverage and some consumers being notified their existing plans are going away, the potential for winners and losers is creating anxiety and confusion."I've had questions like, 'Are they going to put me in jail if I don't buy insurance? Because nobody will sell it to me,'" said Bonnie Burns, a longtime community-level insurance counselor from California. "We have family members who are violently opposed to 'Obamacare' and they are on Medicaid — they don't understand that they're already covered by taxpayer benefits."And then there is a young man with lupus who would have never been insurable," Burns continued. "He is on his parents' plan and he'll be able to buy his own coverage. They are very relieved."poll just out from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation documents shifts in the country in the month since insurance sign-ups began.Fifty-five percent now say they have enough information to understand the law's impact on their family, up 8 percentage points in just one month. Part of the reason is that advertising about how to get coverage is beginning to register.
Pres. IMO has been isolated from those who are responsible to help within the party, and those of the other party to help inform not with their agenda to deny but with the advantages "we the people" would finally have and not be the artery that feeds the vampire insurance co.'s, i understand that the republican things to do list has none of our names on it, but leaving the Pres. on his own and though he's trying to help s we turn on him and fall in with the right wing muck and mire that is the firewall that keeps us from advancing, just to make Pres. look bad and we bite and run off carrying their poisoned water. PS i've never believed the BS that somebody told me or walked up to me and told me....... what ever they are ranting against, if you want to impress me get hundreds of people and their affidavits
muck (mk)
1. A moist sticky mixture, especially of mud and filth.
2. Moist farmyard dung; manure.
3. Dark fertile soil containing decaying vegetable matter.
4. Something filthy or disgusting.
5. Earth, rocks, or clay excavated in mining.
1. A moist sticky mixture, especially of mud and filth.
2. Moist farmyard dung; manure.
3. Dark fertile soil containing decaying vegetable matter.
4. Something filthy or disgusting.
5. Earth, rocks, or clay excavated in mining.
mire (mr)
1. An area of wet, soggy, muddy ground; a bog.
2. Deep slimy soil or mud.
3. A disadvantageous or difficult condition or situation: the mire of poverty.
1. An area of wet, soggy, muddy ground; a bog.
2. Deep slimy soil or mud.
3. A disadvantageous or difficult condition or situation: the mire of poverty.