Thursday, November 21, 2013

Paul Ryan’s Poverty Plan Includes Religion, But No Real Help For The Poor

In the run-up to the 2014 election cycle, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) will set his sights on fighting poverty. As a Tea Party crusader, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Ryan’s poverty plan will call for more cuts in the social safety net, and more assurances that such cuts will free people of dependency on the government.
Of course he believes that the social safety net merely creates a culture of dependency. That’s not a surprise at all. To him, government programs designed to help the poor actually hold the poor back. They keep the poor from being able to empower themselves, so they can’t lift themselves out of their bad situation. Government programs are what make the poor lazy, they are why the poor don’t have the will to take charge of their lives.
ok this starts off in the throes of right wing untrue rhetoric the first paragraph contradicts itself, second paragraph nothing impacts the poor more than the republican org., hard to empower yourself when you have nowhere to live, no food, kids starving no republican jobs promised in 2010 and a refusal to pass the Pres.'s jobs act.  a party that controls the purse strings that would avail you of those things has been on a 5 year Odyssey to deny you those same things he claims is now part of his plan, hypocrisy at it's republican best.
if you want to "EARN" trust you need to start off with something other ten pretentious lies.  when he ran for VP his total campaign platform was built on lies and misinformation the people saw through it and rejected him, now less than a year after he's back with the same game plan, you owe it to yourself to reply in kind reject him and his hurtful bills again.