Here are a couple questions with fairly obvious answers. (Spoiler alert, the answers are, “no,” and “no.”)
1). If Mitt Romney were president, would Senate Republicans deny confirmation to his D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals nominees based on a specious argument that the court’s caseload doesn’t merit a full complement of judges?2). If Mitt Romney were president, and Senate Democrats were reverse court packing — filibustering all of his judicial nominees, regardless of merit — to prevent him from altering the ideological balance of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, or any court, would Republicans stand for it?I’ve tried to avoid this construction in the past because the case for Democrats nuking the filibuster right now is substantively very strong, and meta whining about the GOP’s relative procedural extremism distracts from that argument.But I want to make an exception today, because I think the obviousness of the answers to these questions suggests Republicans fully understand what they’re doing, and are provoking a nuclear option crisis intentionally as a gamble on their own political fortunes.If they call Harry Reid’s bluff, they get to preserve the existing ideological balance on the court, which wouldn’t be a bad outcome for them at all given how much power that court wields over Obama’s regulatory regime.
note again there is nothing in that outline on republican side that has anything to do with helping your life experience under their tyrannical rule.
i also agree that my party does not do near enough to counter the propaganda machine of republicans, for years they have let them or allowed them to bully away their oppositional ability.
i've said often sometimes fire with fire is the way to go except we would not lie and misinform but correct those that do everytime they do it and not just one but as many as possible remember he said "yes we can" not "yes i can", stand up for yourself those that do it for you are not obligated to save your butt, you are.
But because the answers to the above questions are so obvious, Republicans must know they’ve put Harry Reid in an impossible position. It would be an act of political negligence, and of negligence to the constitution, for him to allow the minority to nullify vacant seats on the judiciary, simply to deny the president his right to leave an ideological imprint on a court.
The logical extension of the GOP position — that “there is no reason to upset the current makeup of the court” — is a semi-permanent suspension of all appellate and Supreme Court confirmations. A permanent filibuster, undertaken in the hope that, through retirements, the courts will wither into more favorable balance.
that's republican for "if we deny him and get back in then we can stack the court with those who careless than gnat crap about the people as we do" that is the arrogance that allows then to think we are stupid enough to re-elect them they thought that in 2008 and 12 and ACA you would think they would notice a pattern here.