the party of stupid is doing to themselves what they are trying to do to us how anal is that?
The right really, really wants to destroy Obamacare. Sure, the Obamacare website has had its problems since the roll-out. We’re all disappointed and discouraged that, after all the work we’ve done to get this up and running, we are having to defend the entire idea of health care reform. Because we all know that if a website ever has problems, it should immediately be shut down. Just like YouTube was Monday when it went down for a while. Oh, it wasn’t shut down? Well, I’m sure that was an oversight.
The Obamacare website is being attacked by hackers
Last week, Department of Homeland Security official Roberta Stempfley told the
monkey circusHouse investigative committee that the Healthcare. gov website had been the target of at least 16 cyber-attacks. These occurred between Nov. 6th and Nov. 8th and are currently under investigation.
i'm asking again they are going through ball this, billionaires breaking off a chunk fighting savagely against ACA to keep you from getting into their alleged abomination of health care, when they have done nothing but deny you by blocking him.
what have they ever done for you forget lately ever what have they ever done for you to make your life better, remember you can only lie to yourself for a second.
But things may escalate if some on the right have their way. Recently, Arbor Networks, an online security firm, discovered a tool called “Destroy Obamacare!” It is being distributed (by whom is not yet known) so it can be used to overload the Obamacare website. According to Arbor, the program is written to perform constant, layered requests to get on two web pages: the home page and the “contact us” page. The tool is a Distributed Denial of Service program. My IT friends tell me that…“… the extra D in DDoS that makes a DDoS attack so effective — the first D stands for “Distributed” and means that the attacks would be coming from a variety of different IP addresses, making it hard to block the traffic without completely turning off the website (which is the goal of a “denial of service” attack to begin with).”In other words, tens of thousands (or more) of computers will try to use the website over and over and over again, automatically. Think of having thousands of cars trying to use the same exit on the highway at the same time and you’ll get the idea.
i have felt this to be in play from the begining they are not so cock sure unless they have done something to assure them their way, problem is they never seem to work for any time.
when the website first reported problems i was sure either the tech''s had been bribed or the right wing was overloading the site blocking you Americans from getting health care, just to defeat an Obama plan and put a footnote in the history books, but all that said you are paying for their preying on of this country.
“Destroy Obamacare” isn’t too much of a threat unless…
As it stands, this “Destroy Obamacare!” tool wouldn’t be able to do much to the Obamacare website. But, of course, there are a couple of caveats:“… if this were developed into something more malicious (and rewritten to fire off more requests, more regularly), spread throughout servers and users online without adequate security, and launched from machines worldwide simultaneously, it would be catastrophically effective (especially if the program was smart enough to change IP addresses when blocked).”The IP address issue, while not insurmountable, presents a problem for the people who would be using “Destroy Obamacare!” Their computers can be identified and blocked and the users prosecuted. But, as my sources say, if an enormous number of people (say, several million) decided to run the program or if someone with enough money were to rent a bot-net (a robot network), then they could wreak havoc. But, unless that were to happen, these website requests would maybe slow the site down a little. But everyone who ran it would be easily found and blocked.
It’s obvious the program came from someone on the right
Though it is rather like “one-legged dogs trying to take down a pride of lions” (as one of my sources compared it), “Destroy Obamacare!” could still be troublesome. But anyone who wishes to use it should know that it is highly illegal and easily traced. As you can see by the text which accompanies the tool, those who use it may not be smart enough to realize either of these things.
those who would use it are using it against you and your family, they are your right wing entity they can be restricted by delweting them 2014. recognize it's you and us against them, we have the numbers now we need to use them for our own sake.