Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz to CNN's Candy Crowley: Use Debt Ceiling Vote to 'Mitigate' ObamaCare

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On CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) argued that provisions “mitigating” the Affordable Care Act should be attached to a vote to raise the debt ceiling, a sign that the Senator who helped engineer the current government shutdown over ObamaCare is willing to take the fight to the next level.
“Number one, we should look for some signifiant structural plan to reduce government spending,” Cruz said in response to host Candy Crowley’s question about what he would seek in return for the raising of the debt limit. “Number two, we should avoid new taxes. Number three, we should look for ways to mitigate the harm from ObamaCare.”
if the republican plans are so great why do they have to cheat gerrymandering, voter suppression and now after all these yeas of their obstruction they are still talking about looking for a plan to replace the already great plans Pres. has put in place, without any help on that side.
they can deny the felonious hostage taking all they want, those who know, know those who deny they know they know but lying in the face of truth is an embedded thing it's in their genes.
This stopped Crowley. “You think that some facet of the president’s health care plan should be attached to an increase in the debt ceiling?”
“The debt ceiling historically has been among the best leverage that Congress has to rein in the executive,” Cruz replied. “There’s great historical precedent. Since 1978 we’ve raised the debt ceiling fifty-five times. A majority of those times, twenty-eight times, Congress has attached very specific and stringent requirements, many of the most significant spending restraints, things like Gramm Rudman [i.e. the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act], things like sequestration, came through the debt ceiling.”
“So the president’s demand, jack up the country’s credit card with no limits and no constraints, is not a reasonable one,” Cruz said.
why do they insist on one hand that the Pres. is running up the debt, he's out of control,  but when they are threatening and hostage taking they proudly proclaim they hold the purse strings, Pres. can't spend a dime without their ok that misleading should be pounded into fickle America like a spike in the railroad track, he have brought a lot of this acceptance of right wing elephant dung by not setting the record straight as soon as they bend it.
ps have any of you ever heard the Pres. say he wanted a blank check carte blanche?  but they have been saying it since '09.