ok this time is the straw the epitome of asinine arrogance.
If you’re the kind of person who thinks people should be able to see what they’re shooting at, you might want to stay out of the state of Iowa.You may recall that in January, shortly after the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, Stevie Wonder spoke out about the need for tighter gun laws, telling CNN’s Piers Morgan, “Imagine me with a gun. It’s just crazy.”
Well, not crazy to some sheriffs in Iowa. Many of them believe that it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act to deny gun permits based on blindness. Furthermore, Think Progress says those sheriffs have a strong legal argument:Refusing to issue permits to people with visual impairments could very well violate the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits people with disabilities from being treated differently under the law. Likewise, unlike driving, which is considered a privilege, gun ownership is generally understood to be a constitutional right, making it difficult to impose limitations on it. In Iowa, people with visual impairments are already allowed to own guns privately, so the question at hand is whether there is a different safety concern when it comes to letting them carry guns in public.
it is totally irresponsible for a blind person to except that level of responsibility, i thought carry permits in bars was the ultimate stupidity i stand corrected.
Fortunately for those of us who feel this kind of philosophy might lead to a certain, um, danger to the public, the Des Moines Register reports that not all sheriffs agree with this interpretation. For example, the Dubuque County sheriff has said he would not issue a permit to someone who is blind. And some other states do consider vision when issuing gun permits. However, Iowa’s Cedar County sheriff believes that the visually impaired can be properly trained.But can we count on proper training? The Register also reports that while training is mandated for everyone permitted to carry a gun in public, “that requirement can be satisfied through an online course that does not include any hands-on instruction or a shooting test.”
just as i contend that seeing people no matter how much training are not mentally prepared to kill someone looking at you, the blind don't have that issue theirs would come more from hearing and smell. still the list of potential accidental shootings is vey real.
i have one useable eye my license was good 2 years adter my surgery, i drove was even able to work a little. the eye thats good is my left one the right which you would use more to make lane changes turns entrance and exitson beltways not so.
i decide that after driving since i was 12 then 52 i decided it was not safe for me to continue i based that not on my driving i never had a close one during that time, but the young and crazies can't make that claim, i felt my vision although approved by DMV i might not see those that don't follow the law and declined to renew my license, i think that same scenario should be taken into consideration of the blind.
people can approach and say they are anyone, only way they could make the quick decision they were not a predator would be to shoot at the voice, some would love the idea of being strapped those who don't are responsible Americans.