House Republicans are taming members’ expectations ahead of the debt limit showdown, signaling that they may not be able to extract significant concessions from Democrats.
A Friday memo to GOP members by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) says “the House will act to prevent a default on our obligations before” the mid-October deadline the Obama administration has established. “House Republicans,” he says, “will demand fiscal reforms and pro-growth policies which put us on a path to balance in ten years in exchange for another increase in the debt limit.”
so far i'm hearing SSDD, he's saying they still intend to hold hostage the paying of bills they already signed off on in order to get other concessions no one favors but them, this is like that change they had to make after getting their clocks cleaned 2012, took 'em a few days to realize it wasn't them it was they were telling their lies wrong, so they were going to reach out,
Rubio fell off the truck and they continued to alienate as usual now we tart the same game over perpetual big vicious circles that will always lead to the same end, them doing what their nature is, lie, cheat, mislead discriminate and seek out that congressional perk bribe money the real reason for running for ofc. must be the money cause they don't do anything else by try to overthrow the gov't.
The language is vague — intentionally so, in order to maintain wiggle room for Republicans to avert a disastrous debt default. President Barack Obama has vowed not to pay a ransom to ensure the U.S. can meet its obligations.If and when they do cave, Republicans will be hard-pressed to show their base they got something in return for raising the debt ceiling. In January, they got Senate Democrats to agree to pass a non-binding budget resolution. This time around, the possibilities for symbolic concessions range from a doomed Senate vote to delay or defund Obamacare or instructions to initiate the process of tax reform.There are a number of demands rank-and-file Republicans have urged leaders to make which could genuinely complicate the battle, such as dollar-for-dollar spending cuts or unwinding Obamacare. Cantor’s memo mentioned neither. GOP members have also called on leadership not to bring up any debt limit bill that lacks the support of half the conference. Boehner hasn’t committed to this and Cantor didn’t mention it in his memo.
it's a game for them you see now who is not serious and their leader does not have big brown ears. they can put lipstick on their activities and it just makes them look like cheap prostitutes for big business, just realize this is all in opposition to you having healthcare and other life saving things that were not so much of a problem until 2009