This week marked the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s historic "I have a dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. How far has the country progressed since that iconic speech?
While there has undoubtedly been progress toward his dream, we are still far from achieving it. There is a dangerous sort of hatred that still exists in the country.FBI agents recently arrested Richard Schmidt, 47, a suspected Ohio white supremacist with a felony conviction for manslaughter on charges of marketing counterfeit goods from China. What they discovered, however, was more than just low-quality NFL jerseys.The agents who searched Schmidt's sporting goods store, Spindletop Sports Zone, and four trailers full with a cache of weapons that included AR-15 assault rifles, Ruger and Sig Sauer semi-automatic pistols, bulletproof body armor, high-capacity magazines and ammunition. They also found evidence of Schmidt's ties to the neo-Nazi movement and seized a video of a national convention of the neo-Nazi National Socialist movement, bumper stickers of the National Alliance party (another neo-Nazi group), paraphernalia from the "Waffen SS," Adolph Hitler's Nazi military force in Germany, and a frightening "Jewish 500" list with the names of Jewish and NAACP leaders in Detroit.One page even included the name of Scott Kaufman, the chief executive officer of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, who was stunned when federal agents showed up at his office.
yes we have come along way, they have not remember how running around with their hair on fire White America was when the dreaded by the media's account, the BLACK PANTHERS" who were not the menace to society that White America has made it, they did what they did to every institution that was in objection to what the gov't was doing to it's citizens. in 1972 myself and a White community activist created a newspaper called the Muingi Press only one edition money was the reason. we did a story on them it was full of community things like free lunches, tutoring, day care their agenda was greatly misleading as reported by the press.
As a convicted felon, Schmidt is prohibited under federal law from buying firearms. He was charged with murder and felonious assault in 1989 after killing a Hispanic man and shooting two others with a semi-automatic pistol in a traffic dispute. After serving 13 years in prison, Schmidt returned to Toledo in 2003 and formed a nonprofit called the "Vinland Preservation League" to push environmental and historical preservation.
so why was he owner ofa sportig goods store there was no mention that he was not allowed to legally sell weapons of your destruction, what sporting goods store does not sell these things, was it a mistake to license him or a turn of a blind eye?
According to Mark Potok from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that tracks hate groups around the country, the group found an entry that appeared to be from Schmidt on a neo-Nazi website a few years ago under the Yahoo profile "Vinalander 101" who declared his plans to set up a "historical preservation" group. Potok also noted that the word "Vinland" likely came from the "Vinland Social Club," a dormant neo-Nazi skinhead group.