Tea party-backed Representatives Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Steve King (R-IA) on Saturday held a press conference in Egypt to thank the country’s military for overthrowing the elected government, and at one point even seemed to suggest that the Muslim Brotherhood had been behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.
“Together, we’ve gone through suffering. Together, the United States and Egypt, have dealt with the same enemy,” Bachmann explained. “It’s a common enemy, and it’s an enemy called terrorism.”“We want to make sure that you have the Apache helicopters, the F-16s, the equipment that you have so bravely used to capture terrorists and to take care of this menace that’s on your border,” she continued. “Many of you have asked, do we understand who the enemy is? We can speak for ourselves. We do.”
unbelieveable 3 of the most challenged people in the right wing T-Party ranks are again sticking their noses where they don't belong, they are over there for all practical purposes the world see's them as representing America which they are not they represent the worst of America and the most uninformed of that group.
the height of stupidity they let Bachmann talk
“Together, we’ve gone through suffering.
the only suffering she's done is n her head on whether she'll do time for her crimes. who gave her the permission to promise weapons?
During Saturday’s press conference, Gohmert praised Egyptian coup-leader General Abdel Fatah el-Sissi by comparing him to U.S. President George Washington.“We met with for a long meeting General el-Sissi and many of the military leaders, and my friend Steve King mentioned again about our heritage in America,” he explained. “George Washington, doing what no one had ever done before him, led a military in revolution, won the revolution, and then resigned and went home.”
they will except these praises and promises even though they have to know where these aholes stand in with American people, if they promises are not honored they'll blame the gov't because they were representing America, more harm from republicans overseas destroying the bridges made by the winning admin, misleading and lying, they need to be stripped and jailed for international unauthorized intervention of destruction.
George Washington, really????