It seems like every day we turn on the news and another gun death flashes across the screen. We just can’t seem to escape it. With each death the topic of gun control and gun violence rears its head once again; but lately, it seems that the debate never has a chance to rest because the deaths do not stop.
And accompanying the deaths and debates are Republicans and gun wingnuts claiming that these weapons are their god given right! Arm everyone! Guns are safe! Yada, yada, yada. However, those of us on the left, watch the news each day and are made more and more aware of how wrong that stance is. We count the deaths, shake our heads in grief, and wonder when they are going to stop. Sadly on Tuesday night, 23-month-old Deandre Vega joined the 7,416 people that have been killed by gun violence since Newtown when his grandfather, 39-year-old Luis Efrain Torres, set out to kill another family member.Just before 10:00 pm on Tuesday an altercation erupted between Torres and little Deandre’s father, Rochell McCoy, in Torres’ driveway in Lilburn, Georgia. During the argument Torres pulled a gun and fired shots at McCoy, inadvertently striking Deandre. After hearing gunshots neighbors called 911; when first responders arrived they found the child laying in the driveway and rushed him to a nearby medical center where he later died.
what really can be said that has not already been or thought unfortunately saying and thinking are not solutions they are indifferent blow offs if there is no action then the beat goes on, prepare yourself for highly elevated death tolls this year, do to unconscionable gun violence
Torres spoke to Channel 2 Action News, from the Gwinnett County Detention Center on Wednesday where he is being held without bond. He is claiming self-defense:“I was arguing with him and him with me,” Torres explained, “And he threw me to the floor and pushed me and hit me.”
When Torres realized what happened, he ran to the child’s side, he said. He said he’s devastated by his grandson’s death. “I love my family, but I lost everything.”
39 year old grandfather and he did not notice the child in the room? God Bless the childs soul.
love is strange and deadly we should not throw that around so easily especially with a gun in your hand, responsible i think not.