Two weeks after the attorney general of Arkansas, Dustin McDaniel, forbid the state’s school districts from taking advantage of an obscure law that would have allowed armed teachers to serve as de facto security guards, a private school in Bryant has decided to arm its staff.Pastor Perry Black, an administrator at Arkansas Christian Academy, says “I just felt like with what’s going on in many of the public sectors where there seems to be a lot of shootings. We need to take the same stance that we do in church on Sunday for our kids Monday through Friday.” Pastor Black previously placed armed security guards outside his Sunday services, and claims that anywhere from one to seven staff members or teachers will be armed on a given day.
this kinda thing leads to a mob mentality and can't be good, with the climate such as it is all this does is create a bunch trigger happy wannabe defenders, it is to unpredictable. i've written before no amount of training or shoot and don't shoot targets can prepare you for the real thing besides those things aren't capable of harming you but another "bad guy with a gun " is. shooting with the potential to kill is a definitive move not many have the stomach for it, trouble is you won't know until it's time.
Staff and faculty have been training with law enforcement officers since shortly after the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut last year. Legislation explicitly allowing concealed weapons in schools operated by churches was passed in February of this year.Republican gubernatorial candidate Curtis Coleman praised the school's decision. "I admire the school's administrator, Perry Black, for recognizing that every moment counts when a gun-toting criminal intent on taking innocent lives is on campus."
i'm sure they have armed all who would agree and probably penalize those who don't, again training is not the real deal and those teachers aren't military recruits, but those kids are targets for both a killer and a stray shot from one who was not ready.for war.