Saturday, June 15, 2013

'You Are A Liberal!' Ann Coulter Shouts At Hannity About Amnesty

Article PhotoWe knew that Coultergeist was xenophobic, but we didn’t know it was this bad. Her latest column has even Sean Hannity scratching his head in disbelief. The column, entitled “If The GOP Is This Stupid, It Deserves To Die,” chastises the Republican party for trying to win Hispanic votes. And, goddess help me, I find myself agreeing with her on one very big point:
“But rich businessmen don’t care. Big Republican donors — and their campaign consultants — just want to make money. They don’t care about Hispanics, and they certainly don’t care what happens to the country. If the country is hurt, I don’t care, as long as I am doing better! This is the very definition of treason.”
Though Annie can’t help but fall back on her favorite “treason” trope, she is correct about what the GOP wants. Forgive me for my brain freezing up here, it’s not used to agreeing with Coulter on anything.
So, Sean Hannity, with Ann on his show, asked her about that column, wanting an explanation. That was definitely a bad choice on his part, as Ann is not known for explaining herself, just spewing and sitting back to watch what happens. And spew she did, comparing Marco Rubio to Dr. Jack Kevorkian in that he is helping his own party to kill itself. Rather tasteless, but perhaps an apt analogy. When Hannity asked Coulter what she proposed be done with 11 million undocumented immigrants if citizenship is out of the question and she went off on him:
“You are like a liberal making a silly argument! It’s a straw man argument. Nobody cares! This idea that it’s an emergency, it’s a crisis, it’s preposterous. If the House passes anything concerning immigration — this is very important, Hannity viewers, so pay attention here — the House passes nothing but, say, e-Verify, it goes into the conference [committee] between the two bodies and it will come out an amnesty bill! At that point, if it is voted on the Senate and it is voted on in the House, we have amnesty, the country is over and the only thing left for you and me to do, Sean, is to punish the people who destroyed America.”
Wait, what?! “Punish” the people who destroyed America? Hey Annie, I think you’ve got that off by a couple of hundred years.
when they go into overdrive anything is liable to be regurgitated, and left on the floor for all to see.
or was she just trying to up her ratings on radio, which sounds more like a true right wing dragon breath fire breather.
Immigrants destroyed America for the original inhabitants and fortunately, we are more forgiving than you. And exactly how does she think she would punish us? Maybe by making us listen to her nails-on-a-chalkboard voice screeching about treason and eeeevul libruls. Maybe we’d better lay in a supply of earplugs, just in case.
At the end of the interview, Coulter beats the same drum as Michele Bachmann, saying that if this amnesty goes into effect the GOP will never win another presidency. Again, I ask why that’s a problem?
i luv the smell of right wing testosterone vs. estrogen in the evening.  this has to be contrived because if he were truly offended, why invite her back, to suck the rest of the blood out of his neck?