what happened did Rubio piss them off why are they talking deportation when the talking point was reach out and say you hate them differently is that plan gone?
WASHINGTON -- The House voted 224-201 on Thursday to end Department of Homeland Security discretion policies that allow it to delay deportations for young, undocumented immigrants and other people deemed low-priority, effectively demanding the government force out Dreamers who came to the United States as children.
The amendment, offered by immigration hawk Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), was approved mostly along party lines. However, three Democrats -- Reps. John Barrow (D-Ga.), Nick Rahall (D-W.V.) and Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.) -- supported the amendment. Six Republicans -- Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), David Nunes (R-Calif.), Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.), Jeff Denham (R-Calif.), David Valadao (R-Calif.) -- opposed it, while nine members did not vote.The King provision was added to the Department of Homeland Security spending bill currently being considered by the House.It's almost certain to be opposed by the Democratic-run Senate, or by President Barack Obama, who has expanded the use of discretion in deportation proceedings.
they must have given up on winning the Hispanic vote, they really need in 2014 and 16, their biggest problem being allowed to stay and not be deported and kids born here full status, but the true colors of the republicans has a way of filtering through the elephant dung they drop all over the place, and it's very revealing.
there has never been any real desire to embrace or support the citizenship of those they know will vote against them but their inbred hatred will not alloy them to do the right thing at any cost including the WH. or congress. can we just avoid the Nov. rush and just serve them eviction notice prior to 2014?