my first thought goes to if this is that rampant now privatization can only be worse and you know with the republicans pushing deregulation really worse.
Nearly 10 percent of youth held in state juvenile facilities report experiencing sexual victimization at the hands of another young person or faculty staff, according to a newly released report from the Department of Justice.The report, from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, found that 7.7 percent of youth reported an incident involving facility staff, including roughly 3.5 percent who said they had sex or sexual contact with staff as a result of force.
Two-and-a-half percent reported an incident involving another young person, including 1.7 percent who reported a nonconsensual sexual act with another youth.Overall, 9.9 percent reported some form of sexual victimization, which is defined as "any forced sexual activity with another youth (nonconsensual sexual acts and other sexual contacts) and all sexual activity with facility staff."
there is really no desire to rehabilitate, even without privatizing jail is big money, for somebody. criminals without money are a statistic on that chart that never gets looked at.
The survey, which was conducted last year in 273 state-owned or operated juvenile facilities as well as 53 local or private facilities that hold youth under state contract, was mandated as part of the Prison Rape Elimination Act. It was administered confidentially to 8,707 youth, who used a touch screen to respond to questions while following audio instructions through headphones. Youth were asked to report incidences in the last 12 months or since they entered the facility.Overall, the rate of sexual victimization has dropped from 12.6 percent in 2008-09 to the current rate of 9.9 percent, due primarily to a drop in staff sexual misconduct. Lovisa Stannow of Just Detention International, an organization that fights sexual abuse in detention facilities, said more progress must be made."These numbers are both devastating and hopeful," she said. "They show clearly that it is possible to protect young detainees from the devastation of sexual abuse. They also make painfully clear that many youth facilities have a very, very long way to go.
IMO those who control and the system itself views this as additional punishment and a sick deterrent to repeat. which would tend to appear as though the warehousing does not take in to consideration so much the nature of the crime and it's represented punishment, corrupt judges and law enforcement are just as corrupt as those they lord over especially the children.