Friday, June 7, 2013

Southern Conservatives Revive Calhounism—Tyranny of the Minority

Article PhotoSouth Carolina has, again, caught the nullification bug. As reported by The State, Republican lawmakers have proposed a bill that would allow the state attorney general to take a business to court if he has “reasonable cause to believe” that implementing the law would harm people.
how can providing care for someone by qualified doctors be harmful to them?  they are really getting desperate to put i would say one of their biggest whoppers on ObamaCares out there as a real possibility.  this will weed out the civil minded from the feeble "just say it and i'll believe it" crowd.
One of the co-sponsors, state Sen. Larry Martin, insists that there’s nothing in the bill that would prevent a business from participating in a federal health-care exchange (Gov. Nikki Haley has already refused to build an exchange for her state). But that’s only technically true; under the proposal, there is nothing to stop the state attorney general from deciding that a participating business is harming her employees, and thus can no longer continue implementation.
So. Carolina better hope their AG has a heart and not a republican pace maker.
The dog whistle wasn’t hard to hear.
In the last four years, Calhounism—the tyranny of the minority—has moved to the forefront of conservative ideology. You can see it in the parade of Republicans’ bills (37, at last count) to repeal the Affordable Care Act, as if it were forced on the country and not passed by majorities in the House and Senate.
You can see it in the moves—some aborted, some not—to rig presidential elections by changing the distribution of electoral votes to favor land and rural areas over cities and people.
And you can see it in the Mitch McConnell–led effort to block implementation of duly elected laws through obstruction of Senate business. Republicans have blocked nominations to vacant judgeships and federal agencies for no other reason than opposition to the president’s agenda—in the case of his judicial nominees—or opposition to the law, in the case of Dodd-Frank and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
even places like that have to have somebody the cares about them in gov't, the right wing tried to scare them with their fabrications of a doomsday waiting to happen if they let it through, we know they and their base give less than gnat crap about the less fortunate, guess they think they'll be short a couple of aspirin and a bandage if they help.