Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Claims Everyone Could Always Get Married, So Long As They Meet 'Qualifications'

It did not take Rush Limbaugh long to weigh in on marriage equality. He was given a series of questions by a listener, apparently one who snuck through Rush’s screeners, who challenged the comedian’s previous arguments. You can hear it for yourself… 
Posed with these questions, Limbaugh classified marriage as a “route to benefits” in order to frame his answers, but at the 3-minute mark, he makes a gross misstatement:
Article Photo“Nobody in this country has ever been denied the right to get married. Not a single person.”
Tell this to Mildred and Richard Loving, who were forced to move out of their home state of Virginia in order to get married. When they returned home to visit, they were arrested. The case reached the Supreme Court, which handed down the decision, Loving vs Virginia, which overturned laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Before them, there were even laws prohibiting those of African ancestry from marrying at all.
i don't know if the driving factor in this hate fest by the right wing is conviction or just racial bigotry, their is a difference all bigots aren't racist but all racist are bigots. 
they are quick to tell you they are not the racist bastards they on the surface, underneath wherever show themselves to be daily, so they are either devoted to their conviction or racist and bigots.
However, never one to leave well enough alone, Mr. Limbaugh further explained his position:
“If you want to get married, there are certain, there have been, certain qualifications.”
And here is the crux of his, and all, arguments against marriage equality: marriage is some form of an exclusive club in his eyes, and only those who qualify deserve membership, a new form of nativism politics, where only those who meet the ‘qualification’ have rights under the law. And who gets to decide on the qualifications? For Mr. Limbaugh, and other such conservative leaders, any deviation from their narrow list of qualification is akin to heresy, which means, in the end, only they can decide who qualifies for marriage – or not – based on their own values. Anything else is an affront to their quest for ideological purity.
Rush Limbaugh is in a death spiral, with advertisers fleeing from his sinking ship. And considering he is under investigation for illegally accepting donations, he is not in a very good position from which to defend his new vitriol.
it's amazing how many expert psychologist we have in America, they all seem to be on the right wing and have demonstrated those degrees must have come from the Galapagos Islands sign by dean sea lion.  this means anybody out there who thinks they the republicans men no more about women then they do themselves just remember where those degrees came from.