Sen. Rand Paul is not pleased with the passing of the immigration reform bill in the Senate, but he hasn’t given up hope that conservatives will get what they want out of the bill yet, as he plans to rally the House.
“I’m pushing hard with a lot of conservatives in the House to include congressional votes saying the border is secure. This, to me, is more important than even the number of border agents is that Congress votes we don’t leave it up to the president,” Paul, who voted ‘nay’ on the bill, said on Fox News on Thursday just minutes after the bill was passed.His concern lies especially in the fact that the current bill in the Senate gives the president the power to veto certain amendments added, and might dismiss the fact that a secure border is necessary, since Obama has said before that the border is secure enough. The Kentucky Republican has been a staunch supporter of securing the border first before tackling the undocumented immigrants currently in the country.
what the resident republican radical women hating bigot is concerned about is not having the ability to slam Hispanics and keeping their potential progressive vote out of politics, and out of this country.
“I want Congress to make the decision. The president already says the border is secure currently so that’s why I have a little bit of mistrust over the president making the decision,” he added.Despite Paul’s disappointment in his colleagues in the passing of the bill, he seems to hold no grudge against the big-name Republicans who voted ‘yea,’ such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).“I think [Rubio’s] well-intentioned and I think he’s trying to do the right thing and so I don’t impute to him ill motives. I think his motives are genuine, he wants to do what a lot of us want to do and that’s fix the illegal immigration problem. I disagree with the final bill, but I think good people can honestly have disagreements,” he said.
i'm surprised his teeth didn't fall out of his mouth with that whopper, Rubio is a potential opponent we saw what they did to each other 2012 those guys weren't half as radical as these guys, i'm expecting that stage to be lit up like a Christmas tree o 4th of July.
my Rand Paul favorite
my Rand Paul favorite