Saturday, June 8, 2013

Right Wing Preacher Spouts Claptrap About Obama, Reichs And Beasts

Article PhotoYou might not have heard of Rick Wiles. He’s not on TV, he’s not overly self-promoting as he does his thing on the Internet and radio.  But he’s still firmly in the category of religious nutjob.
On his web page, the top story is about the NSA snooping plan, PRISM. That’s to be expected, after all everyone else is crawling all over that story, too. But it’s the graphic that he chose to use next to the blurb that raises eyebrows.
Yes, that’s a book about the East German secret police. According to Wiles, that picture is there because:
“What is quickly rising in the USA is the Fourth Reich of the Nazi Empire; this is the Fourth Beast as foretold by Daniel in the Holy Bible. I blame America’s preachers for this mess, this modern-day Nazi regime did not appear overnight in America.”
Turns out that it’s not entirely the fault of “America’s preachers” after all. You just know that he couldn’t resist dragging President Obama into it, right? Aside from calling the president a “Marxist revolutionary” he claims that the Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act is some kind of subversive IRS plot. Apparently, Mr. Wiles has been listening to Michele Bachmann too much: that’s her chant. It’s not like Wiles hasn’t lied about the ACA already. A lie that was called out by
what kind of reacher would lead his congregation away from health care and into the arms of insurance co.'s? seems a lot of right wing preachers have a Godless way of preaching.
and the attacked Rev. Wright for his honest opinion? and celebrate theirs for racist christian is that?
Mr. Wiles compounds the ACA with the IRS and NSA as he spins his wild conspiracy theory about a new Reich – the Fourth Reich – on American soil. To him, these revelations about the NSA’a spying are fodder for his paranoia:
“Is it any wonder the IRS has been harassing conservative, patriotic and Christian organizations that oppose the passage of Obamacare and other parts of the Obama Marxist revolution? Should we be surprised that the NSA is secretly gathering the telephone records of tens of millions of Americans? This isn’t about fighting terrorism in Afghanistan, this is about population control in the USA.”
i've said it many times and many times they reconfirm it, the right wing especially T-Per's have this mad love for all things Nazi, and they are the only ones who ever mention it, "he who knows none suspects none".