why is there a battle over Americans being raped by Americans?
26,000 reported.
It’s a battle between tradition and change, and it could decide how far Congress is willing to go to make the Pentagon confront a growing epidemic of sexual assaults in the ranks.Top Democrats and a few Republicans want to take the cases out of the traditional chain of command — where an accuser might be reporting the crime to the very person she’s accused.
Military hawks say no way. Commanders need to maintain authority over their troops.The dispute has exposed the latest fault line in the military’s handling of a reported 26,000 sexual assault cases last year, and one that could decide just how far Congress is willing to go to force changes on the Pentagon. The Senate is holding hearings on the issue Tuesday.
we know the MIC and Pentagon is driven by right leaning entities so wanting to keep the status quo another right wing peeve that clearly is a colossal failure, and largely ignored.
these same people are the ones who have accused Pres. again of something they are guilty of. also notice again the article and rightly so mentions how far is congress willing to go, so far their trade in miles are idyllic they've not ran up any milage on the things they were hired to do,
so given their propensity to allow rape and make light of it why should we expect them to leave it to them when it's all been only about them. insanity again?
On one side of the fight are those seeking the change, like Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Mark Begich, who argue sexual assault cases need a separate lane in the military — even if that threatens the top-down culture of the Pentagon.On the other side are institutionalists, including hawks like Sen. Jim Inhofe and Rep. Buck McKeon, who argue the chain of command is fundamental to leading the greatest military fighting machine on earth — and shouldn’t be tampered with lightly.While senators like Gillibrand are grabbing headlines for keeping the cause front-and-center in Washington, they will still need to win over colleagues reluctant to impose such a fundamental shift at the Pentagon.
are they once again ignoring the will of the people or are the people complicit with the elusive rape charge being effective and lawful, no only those few who control the house and the monies that fund any programs that would serve to help?