The midterm elections will be extraordinarily important for the composition of Congress. If Republicans can expand their numbers in the House and Senate, they might develop enough muscle to stifle Obama from accomplishing anything else. It could also be enough to put pressure on moderate Democrats to further undercut the legislative gains of the first term by enacting spending cuts and weakening the regulatory apparatus of programs like Dodd-Frank.On the other hand, if Democrats do well they can improve their standing in the House and place more pressure on Republicans to make compromises.In 2012, progressives despaired of retaking the House of Representatives; wrung their hands about the GOP’s rigging elections with gerrymandering and tough voter ID laws; and focused on keeping the Senate and re-electing Barack Obama.Winning the 17 seats we need to take the House in 2014, and secure Obama’s legacy, also seems like a long shot. But it’s still possible, and looks even more possible with each passing day. Recent Gallup polls indicate that not only are Americans getting fed up with Republicans, but the country’s moving further left, politically.
the right wing gains your vote by scaring you with lies and innuendo, we should do the same with scaring you with reality, which is what will happen if you vote republican. hard head makes a soft behind, i don't know about you but i'm tired of learning the hard way.
Despite all our faults as a nation, the ideal of fairness remains a deeply-held, core American value that strongly resonates with most of us. We can’t prevent conservatives from attacking our progressive positions on core issues as impractical, elitist, anti-business, anti-Christian, anti-freedom, or anti-rich. But we can stay on message and keep the public debate focussed on fairness … or lack thereof.
under right wing tyranny there is no fairness only win on the backs of American's