Monday, June 10, 2013

John McCain: Rand Paul Lost Credibility On Terror

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hard to recognize terror when it is you, you tend to look in other places.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) argued Sunday in an appearance on CNN that the Boston Marathon bombings disprove Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) views on terror.
CNN host Candy Crowley asked McCain to respond to Paul's claim that National Security Agency surveillance programs constitute an "assault on the constitution."
"Right," McCain replied. "Just prior to the Boston bombing, he said the battlefield was no longer in America."
McCain referred to a March interview with Fox News in which Paul criticized the President's drone program.
"It's different overseas than it will be here," Paul had told Fox News. "Which gets precisely to the argument I have with some other Republicans who say, 'Well, the battlefield is everywhere, there is no limitation.' President Obama says this. Some members of my party say the battle has no geographic limitations and the laws of war apply. It's important to know that the law of war that they're talking about means no due process."
Paul is one to talk about due process and the constitution, this will always be my view of Paul and the deed of his SS stormtroopers and due process and constitutional rights, didn't hear an apology, did you?
When Crowley asked McCain if he thought Paul was "naive" about the threat, McCain said that both Republicans and Democrats on the intelligence committee had been "very well briefed" on the NSA programs. "If members of Congress did not know what they were voting on, then I think that's their responsibility a lot more than it is the government's," he said.
old school and racist at odds inevitable T-Per's are not who they portrayed themselves to be erroneously, they are represented and they are ruining the country, with nothing but more of the same amplified if 2014 is realized by them.