Sunday, June 9, 2013

Calling Chris Christie's Bluff, Legislators Seek to Undo Election Shenanigans
It is not just Democrats who object to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s gaming of the political process to schedule the state’s special Senate election twenty days before his own gubernatorial election.
State Senator Michael Doherty, one of the most conservative Republicans in the New Jersey legislature, ripped Christie for calling the election to replace the late US Senator Frank Lautenberg for October 16, rather than having it coincide with the regularly scheduled November 5 election.
Like everyone else who pays even passing attention to politics, Dohery knows why Christie scheduled the unnecessary extra election, at an expense of taxpayers of at least $12 million. 
The governor, who is looking to score a big re-election win to jumpstart a 2016 Republican presidential run, wanted to avoid having to deal with a lot of Democratic voters who will show up to vote in the Senate race (for a marquee nominee such as Newark Mayor Cory Booker or CongressmanRush Holt or Congressman Frank Pallone or Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver)—and who might stick around to vote for Christie’s hard-working if underfunded Democratic challenger, state Senator Barbara Buono.
which Christie is this and was all the hoopla with Sandy and the kumbaya with Pres. part of a master plan aimed at 2016? is this nefarious or right wing politics as usual?
Doherty, a movement conservative who has often sparred with his party's governor, has called on Christie to scrap the October 16 scheme and schedule a November 5 Senate election. That would make it possible to move the Democratic and Republican primaries to later dates—allowing more candidates to run.
Of course, Christie is not interested in small-"d" democratic niceties. So he's not going to reschedule the election without a fight.
As it happens, however, he has a fight on his hands: a key Democratic senator says the governor could be forced to do the right thing.
is he changing his designation to independent or something he seems to be able to give as good as he gets from his party his popularity makes a him being primaried by the T-Per's null and void. so what is he really up to?  how strong is the Democrat opposing him after all he is a republican and if he continues to piss them off he might become irrelevant with in the party, then what?