Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Boehner 'disappointed' after effort to defend DOMA fails in court

frankly America i don't give a damn.
i hope this scrambling out of the cracks to express their disappointment that those they have suppressed for so long get to be just like them and their relationships, loving if that's possible more of a oxymoron when put with republicans.
Boehner had provided funding to defend the Defense of Marriage Act after the Obama administration halted its own defense of its constitutionality. 
In a statement, the Speaker said he was "disappointed" in the court's 5-4 ruling, but defended the House's decision to participate in the case.
“Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis and President Clinton signed it into law. The House intervened in this case because the constitutionality of a law should be judged by the Court, not by the president unilaterally,” Boehner said in a statement.
was he referring to the stacked SCOTUS that just dropped a bomb on the bigots?  
“While I am obviously disappointed in the ruling, it is always critical that we protect our system of checks and balances. 
A robust national debate over marriage will continue in the public square, and it is my hope that states will define marriage as the union between one man and one woman.”
House Democrats had sharply criticized Republican leaders for spending millions in taxpayer dollars to defend the law. 
the more their agenda is exposed we are beginning to wonder what actually drives the deficit, the millions they spend on failures or the social programs?
House Democrats had sharply criticized Republican leaders for spending millions in taxpayer dollars to defend the law. 
 The office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) kept a running tab of the taxpayer cost of the GOP's legal defense, and on Wednesday said the total had reached $2.3 million.
Earlier Wednesday, Boehner said at a press conference that GOP leaders are still reviewing another major Supreme Court ruling that struck down part of the Voting Rights Act.
“The Voting Rights Act has played an important role over the last 40 years,” Boehner said. “We are reviewing this decision and trying to determine what the proper steps forward are going to be.”
ok then why the dirty politics to steal another election from the majority of voters, how is he going to explain the millions they are getting ready to spend or do they not care and will spend the lie when the time comes?