Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Autopsy On GOP Social Issues Is ‘Grossly Overstated’ Say GOP Lawmakers
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican lawmakers have a message for those who want the party to soften its emphasis on social conservatism in hopes of reaching a wider national audience: Not so fast.
House Republicans flexed their cultural and conservative muscles Tuesday, passing the most restrictive abortion measure in years. They also advanced legislation to crack down on immigrants living illegally in the country, even as senators pursue a plan that would offer those same millions a shot at citizenship.
House Republicans flexed their cultural and conservative muscles Tuesday, passing the most restrictive abortion measure in years. They also advanced legislation to crack down on immigrants living illegally in the country, even as senators pursue a plan that would offer those same millions a shot at citizenship.
The actions reflect a roiling debate among Republicans over why they lost two elections to President Barack Obama, and how best to rebuild a winning formula.
Many Republicans in Congress and elsewhere think the party’s establishment erred in concluding the GOP must embrace “comprehensive immigration reform” to attract Hispanic voters. And they dismiss the notion that Republicans should soft-pedal their opposition to abortion, a subject on which they say public opinion is moving their way.
“There’s been a misleading thought as to what happened after the last election cycle,” said Rep. John Fleming, R-La.
“Most Americans do not support amnesty, especially without securing the borders,” he said, regarding the idea of citizenship for those here illegally. As for abortion, Fleming said, there’s growing public concern about second-trimester abortions, “so we’re actually gaining ground.”
this is the real reason they will again after election night be floating face down in the nearest sewer hole.
their arrogance will be their undoing, unfortunately the republicans we see are the clones on their base, while they do have to exhibit the crazed maniacal side to get nominated they have been unsuccessful in morphing into human beings after winning said primary, because the base is no longer loaded with okey dokey voters
Like Democrats, Republicans often discuss ways to keep their base loyal while attracting independent voters near the political center. The urgency rose last fall, when Mitt Romney became the fifth Republican in six presidential elections to lose the popular vote.
On abortion and reproductive rights, some strategists say the greatest need is for Republicans — especially men — to steer clear of incendiary language such as “legitimate rape.” They know there’s no way the Democratic-led Senate will embrace the House bill, which would bar abortions 20 weeks after conception.
and still they choose to waste taxpayer money and waste hours of floor time for nothing, if their base thinks that accomplishes anything then we can really understand ther continual vote for those who care less.