Tom Sullivan said he was just trying to show someone a few photos of his son.Alex Sullivan, 27, was one of the young men killed last year in the Aurora, Colo. movie theater shooting, and his father wanted a high-ranking Republican lawmaker to know what gun violence had taken away from him.
So this week, Tom Sullivan went to a forum being held by Denver Post. State Senate Minority Leader Bill Cadman was there answering questions about the recent legislative session in which several gun control measures were debated and passed.Sullivan was allowed to ask the last question of the forum, and he confronted Cadman about the way a number of legislators conducted themselves during the session. Cadman’s defensive response was caught on video and later posted online. But Sullivan told TPM on Friday there was an even more uncomfortable interaction between the two men after the event.Sullivan said he approached Cadman to give him a collage with pictures of Alex.“I walked right up to him, and I handed him one of the pictures, and I said, ‘This is a picture of my son,’” Sullivan recounted. “He looked me right in the eyes and he said angrily to me, ‘I know what he looks like,’ and he walked away.”
they do seem to have a habit of running away from constituents when the questions get tough, great political move, good reaching out and showing how much you "REALLY" care.
“Gentlemen, this is my first time down at the—up in the Gallery, to watch you guys work,” Sullivan said. “And I have to tell you, I was kind of appalled at with what, with some of the things that I saw down there, the levity in which our elected officials conduct themselves down on the floor.”Sullivan went on to criticize Cadman for comments made earlier at the forum, accusing Democrats of overreaching in plans to expand background checks for gun purchases. To prove his point, Cadman had outlined two hypothetical situations where well-meaning individuals would find themselves in violation of requirements on firearms transfers: Boy Scouts who carry weapons owned by family members on group outings, and Cadman’s family members who have him store their weapons on periodic vacations to Canada.“I sat up there and listened to the stories about, you know the fictitious stories about Boy Scouts, and Canadian missionaries, moving around,” Sullivan said at the event.Cadman cut him off.“You know what, he’s trying to accuse me of lying, I think we’re done,” he said. “It’s people, and constitutional rights, over an elite government elected and run by a very progressive-progressive special interest group, that’s not even from Colorado. So did you have a question? Or do you just want to continue to throw insults at us?”Sullivan continued and revealed he was the father of a victim of the Aurora shooting. Upon hearing this, Cadman seemingly began to listen attentively and take notes as Sullivan asked him to “imagine what that was like, having to go around to the hospitals here in town, looking for my son, and then finding out that he was lying in that theater, dead from a single gunshot wound to his heart.”“What I will tell you sir is that my son was murdered in the Aurora theater by a man who had bought a 100-round drum and murdered my son,” Sullivan said.While he was making the emotional speech, Sullivan later told TPM, Cadman appeared to only be pretending to take notes.
well all that reading and it's still the reprehensible right wing indifference that shines through, and this guy evidently never got his time with an elected official trying to be elected again, so he can do the same diss to other voters republican style, "screw you", American.