dude sounds like he been dippin' in the chronic bag
Pat Robertson argued on a recent episode of “The 700 Club” that if a man cheats on his wife, she should focus on making the home as “wonderful” as possible so that he doesn’t “want to wander.”
Robertson began by saying the wife should focus on the good about her cheating husband: “Does he provide a home for you to live in? Does he provide food for you to eat? Does he provide clothes for you to wear? Is he nice to the children? … Is he handsome?”“Give him honor instead of trying to worry about it,” he continued. “But recognize also, like it or not, males have a tendency to wander a little bit and what you want to do is make a home so wonderful that he doesn’t want to wander.”
what i read, "keep your a_s barefoot and pregnant and a hot meal in the oven and apology ready for his indiscretions and in between that bowing down shut the hell up and be thankful you he came home to you"!
if you are a woman and evangelical i would want to go where i'm appreciated Amish comes to mind. when your preacher tells you that he is ok and you just need to put up with his lack of virtue and fidelity, hubby got a green light from the evangelical God reservation and illegals ripe for the pickling.
has the evangelical God joined the war on women?
lots of talk about Pres. and change take a look around change bout to swallow you up and you don't even see it knocking. the change you envisioned might not be there yet or maybe at all depends on your vision, but plenty of things have changed right now i'm talking GOP on the run and that is a plus.