Monday, May 13, 2013

Ted Cruz for President? Not So Fast

no matter what he does their bigotry will never let them fully except him, he'll just be their biatch.
When a former GOP governor asked me the other day whether he would 
see another Republican elected to the White House in his lifetime, I asked him exactly how old he was.
Of course, I said, eventually there would be another Republican in the White House. It might even come soon. A Democratic president will screw up (think Benghazi, the IRS and higher taxes from the health care overhaul), and a Republican will be elected simply because voters want change. But I understood the question’s premise, as well as the larger point he was making.
More than a few Republicans seem worried that their party didn’t draw the right message from 2012.
Recent talk about the possibility of a 2016 White House bid by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who was described by former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint as “one of the strongest Republicans in the country right now,” probably has many GOP strategists looking for a bomb shelter in which to jump.
there is such a thing as to good to be true well even republicans realize to good for some is short for others, the older guard does not like being called the names that best describe them and they don't forget.
Jindal called them stupid, don't hear too much from him any more, Cruz called them squishie is that another name for lil girls when said to a man. 
not to worry right wing he's tasted blood and will flame out in time, it felt good and he'll try and out hate himself then here comes the boom.
“I’ve been in 25 cities in the last few months, all I have to do is mention Ted Cruz’s name and they stand up and cheer. They’re hungry for someone who is not afraid, willing to stand up and trying to change the status quo,” DeMint, who now runs The Heritage Foundation, said before a major political dinner in the Palmetto State recently.
another right wing miscalculation they still learned nothing 2012 their entire base all the billionaires and party members were voting for Romney whether they liked him or not, the miscalculation that was enough coupled with the lies and deception and political maneuvering and they were all shocked it didn't work.
now no sign of any change are they planning the same thing for the Cruz boy who doesn't know his family history?  forget history it will repeat on you. so let's go guys take more billions from yourrich friends but wathout this time they want receipts.