racism like every other social attitude is seen through the eyes of the beholder. some people i've come to believe truly find no absurdity in their remarks. some believe others just have to see it the way they do because they believe it's so. like republicans and aspirins between the legs of women for contraception, diluting the intensity of rape charges by referring to legitimate rape, you either have to be the second dumbest person in the world or you believe it, and right at the beginning of election season, reason would dictate that to be a death knell.
if you grow up around bigotry you except it as every living it you repeat something from those formative years of your life maybe for the first time since you still see no wrong in your statement. each generation becomes more informed as opposed to tolerant, intolerance is still bigotry and there is nothing different in your thinking even though you changed a word or two.
i think this would have not escalated into several different meanings or reasons as different experience creates different responses from different people.
points of influence in or lives, can be triggered by what one concludes is so minute not worthy of their time or unfortunately their consideration, there in lies the wrench in the machinery. we hear we need to debate that has become a buzz word IMO by the right wing, to them it means compromise and give a listen to something they pledged not to do or because the fringe is against it that creates an environment of intolerance.
the right has and has said they have no interest in participating with this Admin. because they are progressive, no they have and still talk about finding common ground back in the day with other progressive Pres. with one distinction that all fell apart and is scuttled by the republican party because he is a Black Man, all the closed eyed "c'mon really" people that just gasped and dismissed in the same breath, are the cause that this is stymied refusal to acknowledge the other guy and his concerns because it's not your concern creates these sides of discontent.
those already inclined to hate and not really know why are water carriers for the politicians that tell them they need to take their country back another play on words our country translates to us in the upper crust not you who as G W Bush put it, " you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".
they get so hooked up on the vitriol they can't see what's done to us is equally done to them. leading a hater to a hate conference and throwing raw meat is no biggee they are already ready just waiting for an ok.
ask most why they disavow being racist vehemently IMO because they don't know why. my favorite example is an old toothless farmer in the south when asked why he hated Obama, his response "because his names Obama", then proceeded to look at the reporter like "didn't you know?".
that is an example of the worst kind of hate those coming from rebels with out a cause or a reason to.
someone early in this thread mentioned taking the time to put the shoe on the other foot that can help explain alot to an open mind.
i think the teacher should have thanked the kids and afterward talk to that kid and find what the art represented if what she thought they could have her do it a little differnt before that patch was included. it is offensive for older people who have experienced all the coded words and picture, however a child is born with no state of mind, blind to the ways of mankind, mannerism and hate are learned and cultivated mindsets.