Almost forty years ago, in the shadow of the Watergate scandal, Americans were shocked to discover that the Internal Revenue Service maintained a “master list” of people and organizations it targeted for special scrutiny—a list dominated, The New York Times reported at the time, “by liberals, radicals, antiwar activists and blacks.”
Senator Frank Church’s intelligence committee investigation would eventually determine that the IRS had been used during different administrations against both the left and the right. It urged sweeping reforms to address the fact that “men entrusted with power, even those aware of its dangers, tend, particularly when pressured, to slight liberty.”
they do the dirt than try and kick it on Pres.'s shoes. so now we learn this and all of a sudden it turns into their "well the other side does it too, only they are the other side thats doing it.
what about the voter purge list the gerrymandering list all the freakin' list they have probably back as far as J E Hoover. the rhetoric about bakground checks being excuse to keep records, seeing anything uraveling before you?
Now there are new allegations of political manipulation, amid revelations that the IRS clumsily targeted for stricter scrutiny groups that included the words “tea party” and “patriot” in their tax documents. Similar scrutiny was directed toward groups that “criticize how the country is being run.”Adopting the universal formulation of bureaucratic evasion, the IRS said that “mistakes were made,” adding: “but they were in no way due to any political or partisan motivation.” An IRS inspector general’s report found no evidence of political motivations or involvement in the targeting by officials outside the agency, but it condemned “inappropriate criteria” and bad management. Amid the uproar of Congressional hearings, the Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation.
with all that we have heard and seen when money unknown origin money gets in the hands of T-Per's and regular republicans something starts to happen we get gerrymander,killing unions, widespread republican reversal on their campaign promises to the right wing agenda, "DENY THE PRES..".
we don't know one thing about their money or it's donors if you need something stronger Karl Rove blew 300 million. he too has a dishonest track record. so my thinking yeah investigate the hell out of these frauds.