Friday, May 31, 2013

gun violence and it's supporters

we have heard and seen pretty much all of the right wing reason for opposition to gun laws for years not new there, the people against even their own members are rising taking away bit by bit their clout and hold over our politicians, they are not as fearful as they were.
there is a piece with numbers about half way thru the video those figures are eye popping unbelievable given the support of those who value their guns over human life, selfish and despicably inhumane.
you can't rail against war and support an org. that supports war on it's own people, they said Hussein and the other mid easy tyrants are despicable and have to be taken down because they sanction death and destruction to their people , tell me what's the difference?  , in republican that means kill them and more money, more money.
i wrote this on this blog,  2 years ago still relevant as it's ever been with the inclusion of death and mayhem by those with guns.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hello, just thinking middle east men notorious for lack of women's rights, hmmmm republicans notorious for trying to take women's rights, right to choose,equal pay,denigrate them in porn showing full body, wonder why men don't "a little shy maybe" or fear of being laughed at can't really condemn them when you are so similar? TAKE A STROLL THROUGH YOUR MIND, YOU'LL BE SURPRISED AT WHAT YOU MAY FIND, (courtesy of the Temptations) but oh so true
Posted by at 7:51 AM