Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The 8 Worst Responses To The Boston Marathon Bombings


The horror that was the aftermath of the explosions at the end of the Boston Marathon on Monday drew forth some of the best of people. With three dead and more than 100 wounded, dozens of citizens comforted and aided the injured, thousands more offered up their homes to stranded marathon runners. Such national tragedies can also bring out the worst in people, pulling forth responses that fly in the face of the feelings many are still grappling with. Here’s ThinkProgress’ list of the worst responses to what the Federal government is referring to as an attack:
Islamophobia. Fox News contributor Erik Rush, RedState, Pamela Geller, and the New York Post all blamed Muslims for the attack. Law enforcement officials say that it “remains too early to establish the cause and motivation” describing it as a “potential terrorist investigation.”
there is something to be said about consistency, especially from FOX............................!   that makes better ratings then "little Bobby down the street grows up goes boom", film at 11pm.