IMO hell yes it does, their parents probably make little of the acts, TVand movies i think more in an attempt to use the fact that truth while stranger then fiction makes for good viewing we all have a little voyure in us others too freakin much.
When students protest their college’s culture of rape, they expect change, or at least dialogue. What Dartmouth students got this week has, instead, been incredible threats of violence, death, and rape–expressed on an anonymous forum, because that’s how cowards and bullies operate.Last Friday, as hundreds of prospective Dartmouth students (Prospies) attended a program called Dimensions At Dartmouth, about 15 protesters entered with signs, chanting “Dartmouth has a problem,” which they identified as racism, homophobia, and sexual assault. Their protest sparked the violent online backlash. In a counter-response to the backlash, the protesters started a blog called Real Talk Dartmouth where they could capture and post screen shots of the threats coming in on the anonymous message board site, Bored At Baker (Baker Library, on campus).Examples such as, “Wish I had a shotgun, would have blown those @!$%#ing hippies away,” and“It’s women like these that deserve to be raped” and “Go die in a ditch” do little to disprove that extreme hatred exists at the college.
there was an episode of Law & Order/ SVU exact same scenario whith the clinic trying to cover their asses, Penn State neede i say more?
That Dartmouth DOES have a problem has been well documented. Last year, Rolling Stone published an extensive examination of Dartmouth’s fraternity hazing as the source of much of the school’s culture of rape. Before that, in December 2010, The Dartmouth Reviewcited the results of a report on campus crime while criticizing the lack of action:“The report indicates that in the years 2008 and 2009, the combined number of reported sexual assaults at Dartmouth were the highest in the Ivy League… Distressingly, Dartmouth topped the list among a number of schools where the rates of sexual assault are already abnormally high: three-quarters of these elite institutions reported rates of sexual assault that were over 80% higher than the national rape average.”When a problem goes on and on over a period of years, it’s not surprising that some students–especially the victimized–are upset and demanding attention. What is surprising is the degree of invective that has been directed at the activists.To the credit of Dartmouth’s administration–tardy as they may be–they finally responded to this latest, blatant outpouring of threats. They cancelled classes on Wednesday in order to offer a more valuable education. In a letter to students, the college said they would hold:“…alternative programming… that promotes respect for individuals, civil and engaged discourse, and the value of diverse opinions.”
bone throwing lip service, how can you say that after years of infractions. where are the Alumni are they guilty or victims? if one let's it go then it will inevitably become a avalanche. recognize as far as credit to Dartmouth, they and contributors aren't their names public do they want ton appear complicit? might as well be speaking at the Bush rebuilding same result disingenuous.