Friday, April 26, 2013

Cantor Celebrates GOP Victory In Sequestration Fight

Article Photothis game they are playing has evolved again first "we the people" were pawns of their game now we don't matter it's all about them posturing and looking to acrue points among themselves because their base is increasigly givig a damn, i guess they are realizing the scores they cheered the republicans for against us is also against them.

the republicans sign off on this deal, if was not expected to get a vote because of it's damaging affects.  republicans knew and want to inflict pain on you and blame Pres. as it's his fault.  they are feeling the sting themselves thats why the vote, make no mistake.

In advance of Friday’s vote on a bill to ameliorate sequester-induced airport delays, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) sought to sell Republican members on the legislation by describing it as a total surrender by the White House and Democrats.
It succeeded. The chamber voted 361-41 to pass it, giving the Federal Aviation Administration flexibility to shift resources in order to mitigate airport delays. The bill, having already cleared the Senate, will go to President Obama’s desk for his signature.'this was not a collaboration to help the people it was to help themselves theyfly much more then the average citizen they don't want to stand in line, screw you.
bet you $10,000 dollars if they had a way to fly unimpeded this would have never come to the floor and they would be more then willing to have "we the people" suffer indifinitely.
don't thank them they are looking out for themselves.
Cantor’s memo Friday morning, passed along to TPM by a leadership source, cited headlines about Democrats “blink[ing]” first in the FAA delays battle and the White House “scrambl[ing] for damage control.” It also quoted a tweet by Roll Call reporter Steven Dennis calling the legislation “a complete, utter cave by Senate Democrats and, if signed, by the White House.”
“This victory is in large part a result of our standing together under the banner of #Obamaflightdelays,” Cantor said.
please reread, did you here one word of his being happy "YOU" don't have to endure this any longer? no you didn't you heard who won a game only they are playing.  this sequesteris on us because they are not on their job, actually seems like they don't have a job the gather evey once and awhile between breaks laugh and scheme on how to continue keeping sucess out of our reach then they say something that favors their interest and off again for a couple of weeks.
WAKE UP EVERYBODY how much longer are we going to submit to this type of self serving tyranny?  we should not pass Nov. 4th 2014, our withdrawal of the right wing congress.