Monday, April 29, 2013

Panel seeks to fine tech companies for noncompliance with wiretap orders

A government task force is preparing legislation that would pressure companies such as Face­book and Google to enable law enforcement officials to intercept online communications as they occur, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with the effort.

Driven by FBI concerns that it is unable to tap the Internet communications of terrorists and other criminals, the task force’s proposal would penalize companies that failed to heed wiretap orders — court authorizations for the government to intercept suspects’ communications.
Rather than antagonizing companies whose cooperation they need, federal officials typically back off when a company is resistant, industry and former officials said. But law enforcement officials say the cloak drawn on suspects’ online activities — what the FBI calls the “going dark” problem — means that critical evidence can be missed.

remember Bush in the early 2000's trying to qualify his wrong direction war, telling us "they hate us for our freedoms", but every since the republicans have done nothing but try to strip us of our freedoms especially our voter rights. now our freedom of internet access is under the partisan eye of big brother. where are their concerns about registry's being created well this not only includes your personal info it includes every word you say, so watch the jokes they could come back and bite you.