Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lawmakers cite terrorism in deadly Boston Marathon explosions


WASHINGTON — With little official information to guide them, members of Congress said Monday there was scant or no doubt that the deadly Boston Marathon explosions were acts of terrorism and vowed to bring anyone responsible to justice.
“We just don’t know whether it’s foreign or domestic,” said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security.
“My understanding is that it’s a terrorist incident,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein told reporters, saying she had been in contact with U.S. intelligence agencies. Feinstein, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, said intelligence officials reported no advance warning that “there was an attack on the way.”
politicians on both sides need to suhut up and let those respoonsible get whatever evidence is available and "we the people" have to stop wanting explanations as fast as the story came it takes time to gather evidence then verify.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the senior Republican on the panel, issued a written statement that said, “As the evidence mounts that this was a terrorist attack, our intelligence and law enforcement agencies must do whatever is necessary to find and interrogate those responsible so we can prevent similar attacks.”
now this idiot has already made up his mind "as the evidence mounts that this was a terrorist attack",  note how this republican in all his bliss failed to give his thought as to whether it was foreign or domestic, conveniently that ommission leaves the public to it's own devices and most will think he means foreign.  now sit back and wait for the attacks on the Pres.