Monday, April 29, 2013

Boneheads At Fox’s ‘The Five’ Declare War On Jon Stewart, Demand Debate

Article PhotoLast Wednesday on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart brilliantly (as usual) lampooned Fox News and their Muslim-bashing in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings. He outlined how the talking heads on Fox were perfectly happy shredding the Constitution, jettisoning amendments “…like Han Solo dumping his cargo to make the jump to light speed at the first sign of Imperial cruisers.” Among Stewart’s targets were Eric Bolling and Bob Beckel (the token “liberal”) on The Five.
Bob Beckel said that we should no longer allow Muslim students to enter the country because the bombing suspect was a Muslim student. So we should totally ban any more of those people from coming here to study. Seems legit. He also said we should restrict Chinese students, too, as they only come here to learn computers and go back home to hack us. Wait, they don’t have computers in China?! Boy, that’s going to be a big surprise to all those Chinese folks on the Intertoobz!
wearing that bigot icon along side the Swatika does not qualify what they say, even idiots have at least on moment of an Epiphany, hopefully they recognize what is being done as what they want, if they are ok then, read the second sentence again please.
But the highlight was Bolling’s “freedom math”:
“How many Muslims in the world? Anybody? 1.57 billion. Let’s just say that 10% dislike us… 157 million Muslims hate us. If 10%? 5%? 1%? are radicalized and would kill us… that’s one and a half million people are radicalized to the point where they would want to kill… Americans.”
And that, friends, is Freedom Math. Take one legitimate number – 1.57 billion – and pull the rest out of your ass. That’s how it’s done among the freedom
loving hating ‘patriots’ at Fox.
do you think remedial math class might help them?  you have to crawl before you can stand upright