More than five years after Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses and demolished the notion that white voters wouldn’t support a black presidential candidate, progress for other African-American politicians remains elusive.
Even as the country elected and reelected Obama, making it seem increasingly unremarkable to have a black family in the White House, African-Americans are scarce and bordering on extinct in the U.S. Senate and governorships.The president is indeed exceptional — but in the wrong sense of the phrase as it applies to other black politicians.
if this is accurate them my thoughts as to reasons why, those who try to play that crab in the basket, when one trys to climb out he reahes up and pulls him back in.
this has been a crusade forsuch persons as Conell west, Tavis Smiley, various Black ministers, those hate a long just to defy the obvious he is a better Pres. than any of the 10 wanna be's on the right.
buttholes that promote because he's Black he should do more for Blacks, if he did that he would be just as reprehensible as those before him that waddled in that pool of who get's the breaks and who gets broken.
Consider what has taken place, or not taken place, since Obama broke the presidential color barrier in 2008: There has not been one African-American elected to the Senate — the only blacks in the chamber were appointed to fill vacant seats; the country’s sole African-American governor, who was originally elected before Obama captured the presidency, won reelection but may leave the ranks of black governors empty when he leaves after 2013; and a cadre of promising, next-generation black politicians have either lost races (Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, Reps. Kendrick Meek of Florida and Artur Davis of Alabama) or seen their careers extinguished because of scandal (former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.)
is this a result personally of the Pres.? hell no it's the racist bigots in gov't that see "the Blacks taking over "their" gov't" in the middle of them trying to take their country back. further fueled by the census estimates that they are on the way to medocricity and are doing all they can from character assasination to blocking our vote or more egregious purging us from the voter eligibility rolls.
and they made a big deal out of two Black Panthers out side of the polls not inside looking over your shoulder like right wing "watchers"