Friday, February 15, 2013

Yes, Obama's Drone War Is Legal - Even if the Justice Department made a lousy case: Charles Krauthammer
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what are these moments of clarity by those severely conservative, coming out for Pres?
the enemies place themselves in populated areas to prevent such attacks so they are creating collateral damage of their own people, can we just let them go because they choose to put their own in harms way, leaving them freeto take another chunk out of us?
Newser) – The Justice Department may have written some weak memos justifying President Obama's drone warfare, but the case for the program is solid, writes Charles Krauthammer in a rare defense of the president in the Washington Post
The conservative columnist says the drone debate involves three distinct questions—Does the president have the right to kill enemies abroad using drones? Does the president have the right to kill Americans, even without due process? And who can make those decisions? 
is that a typo, he ask the questions of the Pres. having the right to do them seem pretty obvious the Pres. would make the decision duh!
The answers to those questions clearly back the president's position, writes Krauthammer: Self-defense and the laws of war justify the use of drones to kill the enemy; becoming an enemy combatant justifies the targeting of an American; and, in war, the commander-in-chief is the ultimate authority on these questions.
if the right wing is supporting the Pres. guess some weirdness has to be in toe.