are you getting a clear picture who's holding you back?
The House voted Friday to freeze the pay of federal workers for the third year in a row over the objections of congressional Democrats and the Obama administration.Members voted 261-154 in favor of the bill, which would also lock in a pay freeze for members of Congress. It exempts people serving in the military.The bill won significant support from Democrats — 43 voted for it — while 10 Republicans voted against it.The legislation is an attempt to override President Obama's executive order in December that seeks to give federal workers a 0.5 percent pay hike in late March. That order incensed congressional Republicans, who criticized it as an attempt to seize control of an issue that has traditionally been under Congress's purview.
2914 decisions should be pretty much decided wouldn't you think? they are alientating every voter bloc out there as if they know they don't have a chance so they want to inflict as much pain as possible on the way out.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said the bill is needed to control the costs of the federal government where possible, in order to pursue other objectives."It is a small price to pay, consistent with the President's previous pay freeze, to hold pay increases of federal employees for one more year," Issa said during debate."We could do this today, or we could cut the National Institutes of Health. We could do this today, or we could park two or three of our aircraft carriers and lay off the crews.
they are showing their juvenile demeanor sticks and stones like McCain and Hagel "he called Bush the worse president ever" i'm sitting here going "AND", that was all about school yard playground antics is McCain reverting?