Thursday, February 7, 2013

Marco Rubio Walks Fine Line On LGBT Rights
The Florida senator spoke Tuesday of support for nondiscrimination and allowing states to grant same-sex couples marriage rights. He still supports limiting marriage to one man and one woman, though, and did not commit to any action to advance LGBT equality. 
so as to my last post this is what i was talking about, he says one thing to be precieved as positive but then lets the base know he's still on their side and does not really believe in LGBT rights, how many faces will he display by 2016?
WASHINGTON — In extensive comments on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, Sen. Marco Rubio on Tuesday avoided taking strong positions for or against — leaving his view on federal legislation unclear even as he expressed opposition to a constitutional amendment banning same-sex couples from marrying while renewing his support for keeping marriage between one man and one woman.
The Florida Republican often noted as a potential 2016 presidential candidate made the comments at BuzzFeed Brews Tuesday night, showing the complex position he and the Republican Party find themselves in as they look ahead and try to foresee where the party should be on LGBT issues come 2016 and beyond.
Rubio said he is "against discriminating against people," but would not take a position on the longstanding legislation to address anti-LGBT discrimination, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). He also dodged taking a specific position on whether same-sex couples should receive protections under immigration law, despite his significant investment in immigration issues more broadly. 
there is no honesty or empathy within the republican party you'll never know the total truth just that they are lying, if it sounds good to you, it's not.