Freshman Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a member of a bipartisan Senate group pushing immigration reform, says it’s imperative the gang of eight stick together to get any legislation passed and called his GOP colleague Marco Rubio the linchpin of the effort.
“It would be not a good sign if, you know, a few of us said we’re just not going to stay in,” Flake said in an interview in his office Wednesday. “It’s important. When you look at the individuals involved, they’re people who want to get it done. It’s not comprised of people who just want to make a statement and then move on, and so that gives me some hope that we can see it through.”
sorry they seem to forget they are republican and for decades they have not been friendly with Hispanic's, i hope they are not fooled by this guy who lied about his migration from Cuba, good star if you are a rightly, showing your ability to deceive.
no matter what he says if will not fulfill the need for those involved to attain citizenship anytime soon 20 years has been floating around, most important he is of the party that is cozying up just to get your vote not to advance you.
Like other Republicans, he sees this as a unique moment in history — and within his party— to get legislation passed, as Republicans try to fathom how they lost 70 percent of the Hispanic vote in November
ladies and gentlemen for them to ponder this as a "we don't know what happened", tells you all you need to know, they are not ready for primetime or office, change from them will only be superficial and not in earnest, listen to what Rubio says then lisen to the rest of the party therein lies the exposure, be smart with your vote you have seen the power it weilds enough to make racist bigots talk of changing just to court your vote, notice they have not mentioned Blacks or Asians or any other voter block just you, again don't be fooled take a hint from GW Bush,