Thursday, January 31, 2013

NOM Founder: Marriage Equality Not As Important As Religion’s Freedom To Discriminate
Robert George, founder of the National Organization for Marriage, has filed anamicus brief that will be entered as part of the Supreme Court’s review of DOMA. That hearing is set to begin in late May/early June. The brief, filed by NOM attorney John Mauck, argues that marriage has always been defined as between a man and a woman, displaying an appalling ignorance of sociology and history. Not surprisingly, the summary states that this request for the preservation of marriage per that definition is due to “sincere belief” and “sound public policy” rather than “animus.” Yeah, right.
Rev. Al," lot's of things were exceptable, until we stopped excepting them".
if they want to be a stagnant part of society that's their choice but denying another what you have out of sheer bigotry and hate is tantamount to you and the rest being tyrant dictators, if Gays tried to force their way of life on you whoa whole new bag of radical but regardless to the right saying they are they are not and just like Black it doesn't rub off.
your fears are within as your own sexual preference,u worried you have it?
It goes on to say that same-sex marriage “imperils religious liberty.” If the thinking behind this is that the First Amendment protects them via the government, then they need to step back and re-examine that misconstruction. Their attempts to bring the government in as long as it’s on their side would be laughable if there were not so much at stake. The argument that marriage is the foundational unit of society can be made in support of marriage equality as well as in defense of discrimination, so that just doesn’t hold water. As far as the law is concerned, “vast human experience” is not an acceptable measure of proof. Especially for something that would discriminate against a large percentage of Americans.
But discrimination is exactly what George and his group are all about. Their Manhattan Declaration is nothing less than a call to followers to violate any laws which they feel conflict with their faith.

The gist of the Declaration is that Christians will be “ostracized and themselves targeted for discrimination” if they choose to discriminate against same-sex couples. Basically, they contend, groups like Catholic Charities should be free to single out people they dislike without anyone objecting. Especially anyone like the government

. Examples given in the brief include those same Catholic Charities who chose to be bigots regarding benefits and adoption services. Rather than extend those benefits and services to same-sex couples, they chose to shut the programs down. Then, in an act of supreme chutzpah, they whine that they were forced to do so. The brief is full of similar anecdotal “evidence:” prosaic stories highlighting flagrant cases of discrimination against same-sex couples in the name of Jesus.
if they don't wake up they are in for a big surprise when St. Peter won't check their coats at the gate. to use Jesus's name in connection with hate and prejudice will not buy your way in.