Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hypocrisy Perfected – NRA Gets Death Threats, Blames Obama

NRA President David Keene would like you to feel bad for him. After years of ensuring unnecessary gun proliferation at the behest of the gun industry, Keene has found himself on the losing end of the gun debate and he’s feeling put upon. Specifically, Keene is receiving death threats for his role in making sure mass murderers have as easy a time as possible getting the guns they need to wipe out a classroom of kids.
I can’t imagine why people are upset with him.
But Keene knows who to blame! Just like guns are never responsible for the astronomical amount of gun violence in America, so, too, is Keene’s efforts to get more guns out on the street completely unrelated to his unpopularity!
It’s really all Obama’s fault:
What this reflects are two things. One is the uncivil way in which idealogues on the left in this country go after their enemies. The second thing it shows is the reflection of the left and the President of the United States’ attempt to demonize and blame those who disagree with them for everything that he doesn’t like. (SOURCE)
Curiously, Keene didn’t seem particularly put out over the past 4 years as fellow NRA death merchant, Wayne LaPierre accused President Obama of getting ready to “destroy the Second Amendment:”
If you want a glimpse of a genuine nightmare for America, just look at what’s headed our way.
Clinton was right it does take a set to try and sell this crap to those who are enlightened, thy do the dirt then try and kick it on Pres.'s shoes.
But unlike a nightmare, this isn’t some fantasy. It’s a very real, very dangerous conspiracy of public deception intended to destroy your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It’s targeted directly at you.
And it’ll succeed unless you recognize it, understand it, and take action now to stop it.
…Over the past three years, the Obama administration and its anti-gun allies have been engaged in a silent but sophisticated long-term conspiracy to:
1. Neutralize gun owners and NRA voters as a political force in national elections, and thereby:
2. Win re-election to a second term in the White House, where they then will be immune to the will of voters and free to continue consolidating and misusing their ever-increasing power to:
3. Prosecute a full-scale, sustained, all-out campaign to excise the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights through legislation, litigation, regulation, executive orders, judicial fiat, international treaties—in short, all the levers of power of all three branches of government.
and if this were true the blame lies at their doorstep why, because they did nothing for 4 years their transparent scheme of obstruction failed miserably and for their time and dastardly deeds they got 4 more years of Pres. in a second beat down. 
those of you who think for yourself ask those who oppose to show you where any of the things Pres. put out there include taking away guns, it was to boost sals that thy sold that bag of elephant dung, and you their all day suckers went out and bought even more guns, did it not occur to you that those will be takn as well if there was such a plan at best you can only shoot two guns at once but if the feds were coming think they would only send one black SUV?